HAYDN-ZYKLUS: "...ziemlich HAYDNisch..."
1. Serie: Haydnvariationen:
Series of paintings: Haydn-Variations
Haydn-Variation in Yellow
Haydn-Variation in Red I.
Haydn-Variation in Rot I.
Haydn-Variation in Rot II.
Haydn-Variation in Red II.
2. Gemäldeserie: Bilder aus Haydn´s Leben:
Series of paitings: Paintings about Haydn´s Life
Haydn´s house of birth
the brothers Jospeh & Michael Haydn as Members of the Vienna Boys Choir next St. Steven in Vienna
Haydn & the women
Haydn & the earls of Esterhazy
Detail of the painting: Haydn & the earls of Esterhazy
3. Gemäldeserie: Bilder zu Haydn´s musikalischen Meisterwerken:
The emperor hymn
Detail of the painting: The emperor hymne
My language is known all over the world
Detail of the painting: String-quartet
Detail of the painting: The creation I.
The creation II.
The creation III.
Detail of the painting: The creation III.
The last seven words